How to Apply Anki to Complex Diagrams: Breaking Down Differential Diagnoses

No matter your field or stage of learning, you'll likely need to learn complex algorithms. When you can't afford to miss things, "just understanding" isn't enough. Here's how Alex memorizes a differential diagnosis schema from the podcast Clinical Problem Solvers.

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Memorizing Drug Trials and Clinical Studies

In medicine, it’s often not enough just to know the facts! We also need the scientific studies that back them up. The AFFIRM trial, ALLHAT trial, SPRINT trial, COURAGE trial... Here are some of Alex’s mnemonic tips for keeping the mountain of study names straight.

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How Should Medical Students Use Memory Techniques in the Clinical Setting? [Video]

Ever wondered how best to apply memory techniques in the clinical setting? Should I use memory palaces for patient interviews? For presentations? How might practicing physicians make use of memory techniques? In the video below, we give an overview of how we think memory techniques are best applied in clinical practice.

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